Monday 1 February 2016

Task 2 - Audience and Exhibition

Top Grossing Films of 2015
Audience and Exhibition

1: Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Production Company:

  • Lucasfilms Ltd.
  • Bad Robot Productions      

  • Gross: $851 millionGenre: Action, Blockbuster
    Venues: Saturation
          Release Date: 17th December
    2: Jurassic World
     Production Company:

  • Amblin Entertainment
  • Legendary Pictures
  • Universal studios
  • Gross: $652 million
    Release Date: 11th June
    Venues: Saturation
    Genre: Blockbuster, Sci-Fi

    3: Avengers: Age of Ultron
    Production Company:
    ·   Marvel Studios
    Gross: $459 million
    Release Date: 23rd April 
    Venues: Saturation
    Genre: Sci-Fi, Action, Blockbuster

    4: Inside Out
    Production Company:
    ·   Walt Disney Pictures
    ·   Pixar Animation Studios 
    Gross: $356 million
    Release Date: 24th July
    Venues: Saturation
    Genre: Animation, Adventure, Comedy

    5: Fast & Furious 7
    Production Company:

    • ·   Relativity Media  
    • universal studios

    Gross: $350 million
    Release Date: 3rd April
    Genre: Action, Crime, Blockbuster

    What kinds of films are they?

    All of the top five films all fall under the heading of a blockbuster.Blockbuster: a thing 
    of great power or size, in particular a film, book, or other product that is a great 
    commercial success. They are extremely successful because they have a lot of promotion 
    and fan base behind them  before they have even come out. They also are extremely 
    accessible in many cinema making them easy to view compared to other successful films what 
    came out in 2015.

    How many are sequels?

    4 out of 5 of the top ten highest grossing films are sequels. This could be one of the
     main reasons 
    contributing to their success because the original films or first installments generated 
    such a huge audience meaning that their sequels were already guaranteed to
     attract a large audience and therefore continue to be successful  . 
    How many are blockbusters aimed at a younger audience?
    Inside Out is primarily targeted towards children but managed to appeal to all.
     Star Wars, Fast & Furious 7, Jurassic World and Avengers are all targeted to
     the same kind of audience.  All are sequels and so had already generated an 
    audience that would pay to see the sequels.

    How many were produced by the Big Six?
    Star wars and Avengers age of ultron is not produced by the Walt Disney although they did have an influence 
    on distributing Stars wars and Avengers age of ultron worldwide by Walt Disney Studios Motions pictures.
     Inside out is also produced by Walt Disney while being co-produced by pixar animations

    How many different formats are there? Name them.
    What kinds of films seem to be missing?
    There are no real romance or horror 
    films featured in the top five as the majority are 

    action films.

    Predicted top films of 2015 - were they right? 
    1. Avengers: Age of Ultron
    2. Star Wars: The Force Awakens
    3. Spectre
    4. The Hunger Games: Mockingjay- Part 2
    5. Inside Out
    They were nearly correct with the predicted top films with Avengers, Star wars and Inside out being 
    included in the top 5 but Sectre and Hunger games didn't make it with fast and furious and 
    Jurassic world beating them.
    What were the Oscar nominations 2015? What are the producers 
    and what were the release dates?

    Best Picture
    “American Sniper” Clint Eastwood, Robert Lorenz, Andrew Lazar, 
    Bradley Cooper and Peter Morgan

    Release Date: 16th January 2015

    “Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)” Alejandro G. Iñárritu, 
    John Lesher and James W. Skotchdopole

    Release Date: 14th November 2014

    “Boyhood” Richard Linklater and Cathleen Sutherland

    Release Date: 15th August 2014

    “The Grand Budapest Hotel” Wes Anderson, Scott Rudin,
     Steven Rales and Jeremy Dawson, Producers

    Release Date: 28th March 2014

    “The Imitation Game” Nora Grossman, Ido Ostrowsky and Teddy Schwarzian

    Release Date: 25th December 2014

    “Selma” Christian Colson, Oprah Winfrey, Dede Gardner and Jeremy Kleiner

    Release Date: 9th January 2015

    “The Theory of Everything” Tim Bevan, Eric Fellner, Lisa Bruce and Anthony McCarten

    Task 1 - Survey Monkey

    Cinema Going Habits 

    These are the results from my online survey that I did on survey monkey asking other people their cinema habits, with questions ranging from how often they go to the cinema to if they watch films online illegally.Below are the screenshots of the results