Wednesday 9 March 2016

Hotel Babylon

Hotel Babylon

  • In the opening sequence there is Shot reverse shot, during the conversation between woman receptionist and male immigrant officers (Which fits the stereotypical power and gender roles) at the beginning of the clip, this shows the difference in authority between the officers and receptionist. This shows how the officer has more power and dominance , this is because he has the power to be able to arrest the illegal immigrcnts .  
  • There is a close up of the key going into the door, this is to show the hand shaking as it is going in, therefore showing the fear that the workers have for the immigration officers, as they know what they can do to them. This
  • While everyone is running through the kitchen the camera is being hand held. This shot shows that the immigrants are scared because the camera is shaky, as well as this it makes the viewer know that they are running and panicking as the camera is moving quickly.
  • A tracking shot is used of the officers is used to make them look invasive when they walk into the hotel.
  • There is a close up of the box of jams, this is because there is a lot importance shown upon the fact that the cleaner knows how to treat the diabetic patient, therefore showing the jam is exaggerating this point even further.

Mise en scene

  • The receptionist was wearing a full white outfit, this is worn to show her innocence, and therefore when she is standing next to the detective she looks good and he looks bad.
  • The jam is used in the scene to show how the man knew how to look after the diabetic patient, this therefore breaks stereotypes because it was thought that he has just had a job like a cleaner for his whole life, but instead he had been a doctor before this.
  • The officer is very serious, and shows his badge and is wearing dark smart clothing which make him stand out and instantly look as though he is the villain.
  • The locker from the man who was captured has pictures taped to the inside of it, this makes it seem as though he had family and people which therefore would miss him after he had been taken, this adds to the sorrow you feel towards the character.
  • The running shows the chaos and the fear from the immigrants, this is done to show the power in which the officers have over the immigrants and how it can make them fear for their lives. It also shows that if they are caught it is clear that something bad will happen to them otherwise they would not be running.

  • The editing is fast paced and moves quickly when the characters are running into the hiding position, this increases the tension of the scene and adds more emphasis. 
  • There is a fast zoom in of the woman's face, after there was a knock on the door, this adds tension to the situation because you quickly see her worried expression as she thinks one of the officers have found them.
  • There is a lot of chopping in the editing from the officers to the receptionists as they are walking up into the hotel, this just shows the difference between the bad characters and the good character, the good character being the receptionist, who is wearing white, representing innocence, whereas the officers wearing dark harsh colours, standing out and looking as though they are not good.
  • The officer gets more time in the shot reverse shot than the receptionist, this is because the officer is meant to be more power than the receptionist.

  • The music in the clip is fast paced for a lot of the time, making it seem as though something is going to happen, because it adds a lot of tension to the scene. 
  • The footsteps at the beginning are loud and once again adds to the tension because it acts as a build up.
  • When the talking begins from the actors the music dips so that the talking becomes more clear and you are actually able to hear it.
  • Different languages are used when they are in the kitchen, this shows that there are plenty of different people with different languages, showing that there are many immigrants working at this hotel.
  • The hoover sound is on so that it shows that the cleaner is not able to hear the officers coming up behind him because of the headphones which are on, as well as the loud hoover.
  • 'We can't go out there, they'll take her, they'll take all of you' This shows the fear and what would actually happen if they left.
  • The door knocks when the immigrants are all sitting in the little room and it makes it seem as though it could be the officers coming to get them.


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  2. Some good ideas in here Ella - you have a wide variety of points, and your examples are detailed.
    - Make sure all of your analysis focusses on the representation of ethnicity, and really develop your exploration of this in the exam.
