Tuesday 22 March 2016


Throughout the 5 minute clip of Merlin, there are clear examples of when class and status is represented through the use of mise en scene,   editing, camera and sound.

At the beginning of the clip, class is shown straight away with mise en scene- the set is a stone palace with a table full of medieval magical props (also is very tidy and well kept) ,it is also represented in what the characters wear. Merlin is intrigued by the objects which may suggest that he's never seen them before as they are expensive and he's never seen these types of objects before. Showing a lower class.  For example the character with the most screen time, who is called Merlin. His costume was baggy dull rags that a stereotypical medieval male pauper would wear. So straight away this indicates his class of being a servant in the castle. When the woman walks in it is clear she has a high status because she is dressed in a bright purple dress which is clean and fitted but also in the medieval ages, dark purples and navy represented wealth in a person. This woman was also covered in jewellery that show her class is high as she is able to afford all these luxuries. Another major thing in this scene which represented class and status was how when speaking to Merlin she didn’t address him and asked what he was doing in this room which shows in the medieval pecking order she is above him even though she is female and therefore can speak to him in whatever manner she pleases.
In the next scene class and status is shown straight away with the set being a farmers market which is the complete to the set before. To show the contrast in the class off-screen foley had been added of animal noises and other civilians laughing to make the audience get a real idea of what a farmers market would be in that age and to be realistic as possible.

It is then shown again when the knight dressed in heavy armour that would if been expensive showing his power and his high status. All the normal poorer civilians in the background with low status have drags on like merlin this outlines the contrast furthermore again like the first scene.

Merlin and the Knight then go on to have a fight. With the knight having that much wealth that he can afford to easily give Merlin a weapon as well as have one from himself. This also shows is status in the social order because he is confident in his fighting skills to take Merlin on. He is also arrogant in his dialogue by making Merlin address him as “Lord” to use as threat to show he knows he’s already better than Merlin in social status terms. He also lets Merlin know how he has been trained to fight birth which also shows he status of been born into a high-class family. 

1 comment:

  1. You focus well on the representation of class and status in this clip, Ella, which is important.
    - I think the structure of your essay is an issue. Don't write it in CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER - go through each of the four areas separately; this will make it much more focussed.
    - Timing is an issue in this essay, but partly because you spend way too long on Mise en Scene and don't get to other areas - you only mention sound briefly, and never get to camera or editing. Restructuring the essay would help this.
    - Give yourself more opportunities to use terminology.
    EAA - 10/20
    Egs - 8/20
    Terminology - 5/10
